Set against the backdrop of the women's rights movement in Paris, France in the 1970's this moving lesbian movie tells the story of Carole, a Spanish language teacher and Delphine the daughter of a farming family whose come to Paris to gain her independence.
Carole and Delphine meet and embark on a passionate love affair. Unfortunately Delphine's father has a stroke forcing Delphine to move back to the country to help with the farm work. Carole eventually joins Delphine on the farm but they must keep their love a secret. When Delphine's mother discovers the truth about their relationship Delphine's loyalties are tested and she has to make a difficult choice.
Cécile De France (Carole)
Izïa Higelin (Delphine)
Read more about Summertime / La Belle Saison on IMDb
Country of Origin: France (La Belle Saison)
Genre: Drama
Language: French
Subtitles: English
Runtime: 2 minute Trailer
Initial Release: July, 2015
Director: Catherine Corsini
Screenplay: Catherine Corsini
Related Links
Official Website Summertime / La Belle Saison
Summertime / La Belle Saison 2015 on Wikipedia
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